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Fauna Marin Shipment Due January!

SKU: D60989-E9BEE5-1

Citron Goby

Tax included

Delivery and Shipping

We highly advise same day airfreight for all fish shipping, although overnight courier is also available nationwide.

  • Airfreight is a flat $75 rate anywhere in NZ and can include up to 10 fish/coral for the single charge. We can also include dry goods/frozen food in the order, up to a total weight of 75kg.
  • Overnight courier is $25-50 depending on the destination and polybox used.

    For more information on shipping, head to our shipping page!

What we're feeding

Nutrition, like humans, is important for fish. You get out what you put in. Therefore, EMA places great emphasis on providing all our fish a varied diet. Below is an example of what our fish are currently feeding on:

All our staff are trained in fish nutrition, so if you require any guidence, please ask! Frozen/Dry food can also be sent with your airfreight consignment with no extra charge, so add these to the order if you wish and we will combine them into a seperate box.

Acclimation tips

Adjusting to a new aquarium is the most stressful event a fish can go through, so it's important to understand the following for long term success:

  • Consider your existing fish. When adding a new fish, often existing fish can become aggressive to assert their dominance. This can be hard on the new fish, due to the stress of moving aquariums and then dealing with aggressive fish. Consider removing the existing fish using a fish trap (ours is available for loan, just ask) and place any aggressive fish in the sump for a couple of weeks while the new fish adjusts to their new home.
  • Always acclimate without any lights on. Bright light can be stressful, especially when a fish has been in transit.
  • Slowly open the box to avoid light stress
  • Use the float acclimation method and ensure acclimation isn't too long - we recommend up to 30 minutes.
  • If a fish is showing signs of stress during acclimation, consider speeding up the acclimation. Remember, stress is the number one killer of fish.
  • Once you've adjusted to salinity and temperature through acclimation, release the fish into the aquarium (but not the bag water).
  • Give the fish space. Although adding a new fish is an exciting time, remember that the fish is stressed, so give the fish space while he/she settles in. Avoid sudden movements, running around the tank or tapping on the glass.
  • Have realistic expectations. It is normal for new fish to take a while to eat, or show natural behaviours. This is a transition period, so the less stress you can place the fish under, the better the long term result.
  • Ask. Seems obvious, but our staff can't help if we don't know. Always feel welcome tor each out for advice. You can either use our Chat function 24/7, or email/Facebook us.

Order before 2pm Weekdays for Same Day Shipping!*

EMA's Promise.

Qualified, Honest Advice Using Techniques & Protocols that we use ourselves.


The Citrinis Clown Goby, also known as the Citron or Citrin Goby, is common within the reefs of Sri Lanka and the Coral Sea. They are usually found among soft and hard coral colonies. They are a small yellow fish with blue vertical lines around the eyes and gills, and a blue horizontal line along the dorsal fin. Their body color can vary between dark brown and pale yellow. They are a peaceful fish that makes a wonderful addition to a reef aquarium containing colonies of polyp coral and other soft corals, as they enjoy swimming and hiding amongst the polyps.

The Citrinis Clown Goby feeds on the mucous polyps of Acropora sp. in the wild and is considered reef safe but will nip at the polyps or bases of Acropora sp. and possibly other SPS corals. If the SPS dominated aquarium is not heavily stocked with very mature colonies these fish may severely damage Acropora sp. in these displays.

It requires a 10 gallon or larger aquarium and prefers branched corals, often resting on them for hours at a time. It will rarely become aggressive towards other fish, but will fight with its own kind in smaller tanks. It is best if it is kept with other docile species.

It is common for clown gobies to spawn in an aquarium. Caution should be exercised if the aquarium contains Acropora sp. or similar SPS corals. They will lay their eggs on the underside of the coral's branch, which will cause tissue recession in that area of the coral.

The Citrinis Clown Goby's diet should consist of a variety of brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores.

Source: Live Aquaria

Our Quarantine Procedures

We take livestock seriously. That's why we don't sell anything we wouldn't be comfortable putting in our own tank.

As we are direct from source, we import and sell direct to the public. This means you can buy with confidence knowing EMA prides itself on excellent handling and conditioning protocols.

All our fish held in a quarantine system for a minimum of 3 weeks. During this time, regular water changes are performed, and twice daily (or sometimes more) feedings are performed.

Copper is dosed and checked twice a day for ich and velvet.

During this treatment fish are given formalin baths for brooklynella and a minimum of 3 praziquantel doses is performed for flukes.

Payment & Security

    We offer a number of different payment methods, including Credit Card, Afterpay, Q Card, Pay at Collection, Bank Transfer and POLi.

    Credit card payments are processed securely using the highest possible security protocols.

    Invested in your Success

    Our aim is to provide accurate, honest information that ultimately leads to your success. Our staff are trained in the techniques and approaches we use ourselves, with proven results since 2017.